I finally have regular internet access! Hooray!!! I've been waiting for this moment for over a year now. Let me tell you, while it is wonderful for Facebook, my iPhone just doesn't cut it whent it comes to blogging.
I stumbled across a fantastic deal on a brand new HP laptop, so I decided that I couldn't pass it up (even though I really want a Macbook). It's a pretty nice laptop and I'm seriously enjoying the ability to sit in the air conditioning while I surf. The Boy has a very nice computer in the office, but there's also no air conditioning in the office. There is only a/c in the living room. That makes things a little claustrophobic when we're all home...and very difficult when The Boy and I are both home and need to find someplace to sleep. When he's working, we sleep on opposite schedules, so there's no dispute. Except for days like this morning when he comes home and steals the couch, relegating me to the bedroom where I can't sleep for more than a few minutes at a time because I get so sweaty.
I have been so desperately busy lately, I haven't had time to read a blog, let alone actually update my own. I'm really hoping that things will slow down at some point and I'll be able to do more than drag a ragged breath in between activities.
The Boy, The Munchkin, and I did end up going to San Diego last month. It was a nice overnight trip. We drove down on a Sunday morning and came home Monday night after spending a full day at Sea World. The Boy drove to Anaheim and I drove the rest of the way home because he was falling asleep. I forgot how much I hate driving the Grapvine at night, mostly because of all of the idiots who insist on braking on the decline. Ugh! Overall, it was a fun trip, though. We squeezed in almost every show in the park and everyone had a blast. The only bummer was theh Shamu show. I guess after the whole "Shamu eating his trainer" issue, they're not letting the trainers actually get into the water with the Orcas. Of course, that equaled a pretty lame show. The Sea Lion show was great, though, as was the Cirque de le Mer show.
The Saturday after we went to San Diego, The Munchkin turned five. I'm very nervous about her starting school this fall. She's not used to having structure or having to do what she's told. I really hope school is good for her, though. She needs the attention to her education that she can't get at home because of The Boy's work schedule. I've tried to work with her, but she just gets an attitude and refuses to cooperate.
We had a really nice Independence Day celebration, too. We spent the evening with my mom's side of the family at my aunt and uncle's house. We had a nice potluck, quite a few fireworks, and swimming for the kids. Where they live, we could also see the shows from 2 different local country clubs, plus the neighbors on the next block were lighing off illegals, so we got a pretty fantastic show.
Anyway, I'm going to run for now. I've been awake for about 2 hours now and I'm getting rather hungry.
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