She was an american girl, raised on promises

She couldn't help thinking that there was a little more to life

Somewhere else

After all, it was a great big world

With lots of places to run to

~Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers~

Thursday, February 25, 2010

You want me to do what?

Today, I am "most seriously displeased," to quote Lady Catherine DeBourgh.

First off, I woke up far too early. I don't care what planet or part of the country you're from, 0230 is not an acceptable wake up time. To add insult to injury, I was already well into my day by the time my alarm went off at 0500.

I made it to work, greeted by the ever-increasing mess that I am now convinced IS my desk and not just ON my desk. Since it is the last week of the month, I have back to back appointments from 0800 to 1700. That means that I get to attempt to squeeze the rest of my work (which is usually enough to keep me busy on its own from 0700 to 1700) into the hour before my appointments start and the hour after I've - ideally - finished with said appointments.

But wait! I really only have the first hour of my day because, for the last hour, I'm required to do someone else's work. Now, don't get me wrong, I am usually one of the first to volunteer to help another worker if my own work is caught up, but my caseload hasn't been caught up since OCTOBER. Meanwhile, I'm helping other people do their work and my caseload is quickly passing the point of no return.

Do our wonderful upper management take workloads into consideration while they gleefully pile more and more work onto the stack of "priorities" they've given us? Apparently not, otherwise they would realize that there is no humanly possible way to work a caseload that is more than three times the size it's supposed to be and complete the other miscellaneous reports and tasks that keep flowing in by the truckload.

I took this job because I wanted to feel like I was helping people (and because I couldn't afford a 120 mile round trip commute), but I am feeling more and more like I can't even help myself out of this hole our wonderful administration and Board of Supervisors (whom I shall henceforth refer to as BS, because that's pretty much the only thing that results from their meetings) have dug us.

Which brings me to the union. Many people have said I have no right to complain about the union because I am not a full union member and refuse to pay more than the required $13 or so bi-weekly. The reason, however, that I am not a union member is because I know them for the snakes they are. Where was the union when the Department forced us to change our work schedules and refused to approve any vacation time (even to those whose vacation hours exceeded the county's limit) for 6 months? Where was the union when the county lied about how we're paid at the same level as other counties in California because they didn't look at those of us who have to pay for our benefits and retirement? I can tell you that the union surely wasn't there at contract time in 2007 when we got shafted in benefits and raises.

The rumor is that the BS is asking for us to take a 20% pay decrease this year and for us to pay more for our health insurance. If they do, I don't think the union will do anything to try and stop it, because when the BS says "jump," the union asks "how high?"

I can tell you one thing, though, if they approve a decrease that massive, I'll be out of here so quickly, their heads will spin. I'll go back to school and live on student loans and financial aid for a year or so until I have my degree, and then I'll find a better job someplace else.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The S Word

So the other day, I'm spending the evening at my parents' house. After being utterly disappointed by the fact that there was no more leftover SOR (Slop On Rice...a delicious concoction of ground beef, sour cream, cheese, and cream of mushroom soup served over steamed rice), I decided I was going to get Chinese food at the cheap little place around the corner from my parents' apartment.

Since Melanie was staying over at a friend's house, I decided I'd take Chloe with me as a little special treat because she always wants to go everywhere with me anyway.

The Chinese place is right next to Food Maxx and, as we're pulling out of the parking space, Chloe looks at the EXIT sign above the doorway to Food Maxx and says, "I can spell 'exit' without looking at that sign!" (Her latest thing has been spelling EVERYTHING because she's crazy good at it...kind of how I was at her age, before spell check destroyed my brain).

When she's done spelling "exit" while looking away from the building, I cover her eyes with my free hand and tell her to spell "enter." She does. Then, I spot a man in a bright coloured t-shirt and tell her to spell "shirt."

She quickly spells "S-H-I-T." Yes, that is what she spelled, not a typo.

Trying my absolute hardest not to burst into laughter and incur the myriad questions I know would follow my outburst, I tell her that she forgot a letter. Since she likes to try and guess before she actually thinks about how the word sounds, it took her a couple more tries before she got it right.

I drive on in relative silence until we get to the street. As I'm turning onto the cross street before my parents' street, I hear a half snort/half chuckle from the seat next to me. Then I hear "I spelled a bad word!"

I couldn't contain myself at that point, I laughed until tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was parked in front of my parents' garage. Where do kids come up with this stuff? I didn't even know that word existed until I was almost a teenager, let alone that it was a bad word.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I have a NEW BLOG!!!

For all of you who've been harrassing me left and right to continue blogging, I am BACK! Haha!

As of now, there isn't much to report. I'm currently stealing The Boy's computer to update my iPhone while The Munchkin comes in to ask what I'm doing every five minutes.

It's a good night. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow much, since The Boy has to go back to work sometime and I won't get to see him again until Saturday and I won't see The Munchkin until Sunday. But, I'm determined to power through this horrific week...and try not to punch my boss in the face in the meantime.

Wish me luck!